I will be replaced by the girl of the year 2013.
That means I will be rare! A hard-to-find AG! I'm so exited!!!!
Anyway, there is supposed to be a HUGE hurricane coming! My sisters told me that there was a huge one last year, too! OMG! Kanani told me that they cancelled Halloween! I really don't want that to happen, because Halloween seems really super extra epical! I don't really know what it is, but Kit tells me all the time that it is the best (and her absolute favorite) holiday ever!
I think Lydia wrote something about last year's storm on her blog. You can go check it out if you-- MY blog is the best blog ever and you should totally read every post because it's so cool and I'm so cool so you should-- LYDIA! Save it for YOUR blog!
What I was TRYING to say was that I really don't want Halloween to be cancelled on my year like how it was in Kanani's! (No offense, Nani) None taken!
Okaykay, I've got to go now! Here are some PHOTOS-
Me in the rain
My hair is sooo pretty!
So much water!
~McKenna ☆