Saturday, October 27, 2012

HUGE Storm (Again!)

I can't believe my year is coming to an end...
I will be replaced by the girl of the year 2013.


That means I will be rare! A hard-to-find AG! I'm so exited!!!!

Anyway, there is supposed to be a HUGE hurricane coming! My sisters told me that there was a huge one last year, too! OMG! Kanani told me that they cancelled Halloween! I really don't want that to happen, because Halloween seems really super extra epical! I don't really know what it is, but Kit tells me all the time that it is the best (and her absolute favorite) holiday ever!

I think Lydia wrote something about last year's storm on her blog. You can go check it out if you-- MY blog is the best blog ever and you should totally read every post because it's so cool and I'm so cool so you should-- LYDIA! Save it for YOUR blog!

What I was TRYING to say was that I really don't want Halloween to be cancelled on my year like how it was in Kanani's! (No offense, Nani) None taken! 

Okaykay, I've got to go now! Here are some PHOTOS-

Me in the rain

My hair is sooo pretty!

So much water!

~McKenna ☆

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back To Gymnastics

So, as you know, I broke my ankle. Well, the doctor said that I can do gymnastics in an ankle brace! YAY!

When I got to Shooting Star I immediately got up on the beam, ready to work on my routine. I  did pretty well up to my dismount. I couldn't bring myself to do it! My coach said to take it slow, and I remembered what Josie said "One Step at a Time..."

I tried again and... YES! I diditIdiditIdidit! I did it. Perfectly. Coach Isabelle was so proud!

The Photos are kind of out of order but thats Okay!

Toulane congratulated me!


First Attempt on my Routine...

 After remembering Josie's words, I stuck the landing!
My Ankle Brace!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Space Needle

Josie, Toulane and i went to the Space Needle. It was so fun! We were soooo high in the air! I could see where my house was!

I asked Toulane about how it went when she told her mom that she wanted to do rhythmic gymnastics. She said that her mom wasn't happy about it but let her switch. I was happy to hear that she was happy.

Later, we ate dinner. It was amazing!
We had so much fun!
~McKenna ☆

Making the Team

Making the team felt AMAZING! I finally made it to the level four competition team at Shooting Star Gymnastics.

They only had two open spots, and Toulane and I got on the team! I felt bad for Sierra but happy for us. All of the sudden Toulane started crying and said that she would rather do rhythmic gymnastics! That was totally unexpected! She said that she was working to a dream that she didn't want because her mom wanted her to. So she gave her medal and certificate back to Coach, and he announced that Sierra would fill her spot! So everyone was happy.

My Gold Medal!

Toulane and I after tryouts!

~McKenna ☆

Thursday, July 12, 2012


We are finally back in action on youtube! Sorry about our big break!
A few months ago I posted a poll about which series to do. Well, the series that got the most votes is...

Idea 2- The Party Starts Right Now. In this series a girl loves to dance. She goes to a new studio where the
 teacher is very strict and yells at any mistake you make. Her mom was a dancer, also so she wants the girl 
to go to the best studio. Will the girl want to keep dancing, or will she not?

Yay! We will be starting filming soon, after vacation! (Not summer vacation, we are just all on vacation)

Another great amazing new thing is that Pippa got an Instagram! It is her name- pippamellark. 
She is trying to persuade me to make one too, but I really don't want to. Follow her!

Here is a PHOTOOOO- 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Busy Bee... Buzzzzzzzz

Hay is for horses, you guys.
 I haven't written in so long because of everything I have going on. Gymnastics for 1 and a half hours every night, homework and school, helping out at Hearts and Horses... I also haven't been on AGT for a while... Soooo busy! Don't worry Sarah still likes dolls! Our account-Webkinzsatruday

 Osay Arahsay ndasay erhay adday avehay eenbay uildingbay a oftlay edbay orfay emay! I ancay eesay hyway incesay hetay edbay is 225 ollarsday!

Woah. That's PIG LATIN! I said, "So sarah and her dad have been building a loft bed for me! I can see why since the bed is 225 dollars!"

The bed they made is actually really cool! It looks just like the one form AG but hand made! It is really well put together and well painted!! I love it ! Sarah even made all the accessories that come with the bed and made me my whole accessories set! The bag and everything! She didn't forget to put anything that the set came with.

We are thinking of getting an etsy and selling some handmade stuff like doll clothes, jewelery, accessories, beds and even handmade versions of things they sell at AG!

Tell me in the comments if you like this idea and if you would buy from her. Bye for now, I am so busy today!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cast Off!

     I may not have told you about the nice gifts I got when I broke my ankle.

     Sierra was so, so, so nice to give me a confidence mirror (awful photo, I know...)-

     Mara and Maisey gave me this super cute panda bear named 'Panda'-
     This Friday was supposed to be the day that I got my cast off, but Josie needed me when she was going to her first horseback riding lesson. That's another story, though. Mom rescheduled my doctor's appointment to next week. Toulane seemed upset about that for some reason. There is nothing wrong with me being friends with Josie! She [Toulane] has been being weird lately. Eversince her sister got hurt she has been extra mean and super competitive. I am so glad Sierra forgave me for lying about my tutor. It was so m=nice of her to bring me the confidence mirror. 

     Next week I will go from this...

     To This...

No Cast!!!!

:D McKenna ☆