Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cast Off!

     I may not have told you about the nice gifts I got when I broke my ankle.

     Sierra was so, so, so nice to give me a confidence mirror (awful photo, I know...)-

     Mara and Maisey gave me this super cute panda bear named 'Panda'-
     This Friday was supposed to be the day that I got my cast off, but Josie needed me when she was going to her first horseback riding lesson. That's another story, though. Mom rescheduled my doctor's appointment to next week. Toulane seemed upset about that for some reason. There is nothing wrong with me being friends with Josie! She [Toulane] has been being weird lately. Eversince her sister got hurt she has been extra mean and super competitive. I am so glad Sierra forgave me for lying about my tutor. It was so m=nice of her to bring me the confidence mirror. 

     Next week I will go from this...

     To This...

No Cast!!!!

:D McKenna ☆

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


      So when I arrive at Sarah's house, she will be using me 24/7 and will be uploading so many more videos! I am sooooooooooooooo super duper exited!

 About the series... I said Sarah had many ideas for me. She hasn't thought of the names yet but thats okay.
 Comment on this post or comment on our youtube channel (webkinzsatruday) which series you would like
 to see.
     Idea 1- The Princess Puzzle. In this series a princess would be living an amazingly happy life until a 
guard reports that here is a thief in the castle. Everyone needs to look out. When all of the princess' dresses 
and crowns go missing, will she be able to catch the thief or will she loose her identity forever?
      Idea 2- The Party Starts Right Now. In this series a girl loves to dance. She goes to a new studio where the
 teacher is very strict and yells at any mistake you make. Her mom was a dancer, also so she wants the girl 
to go to the best studio. Will the girl want to keep dancing, or will she not?
      Idea 3- Competition Breakdown. A girl loves gymnastics until she breaks her ankle.  She has to miss
 competition after competition. Her team needs her to win. They call her their gold medal, because she is so
 good. Will she let her team down?
      Idea 4- Unknown title. About a girl who does pageants and she doesn't like it but her aunt who she 
lives with has always done them and she wants her to do the same. The girl wants to be a dancer. 

      So I hope you like some of these ideas... there will be a poll in the sidebar. 
      Here is a PHOTO!!

~ McKenna ☆